
[psp] 발할라 나이츠 2(valhalla knights 2) 직업별 스킬

서락동 2008. 11. 10. 15:58


lvl 5: [Guard] Protects against enemy attacks. Must have shield equiped
lvl 10: [Berserk] Increases attack power and agressiveness of ally
lvl 20: [ Wild Range] Extends weapon damage to area. Tension Gauge does not charge while in use


lvl 5: [Gain] Restores a small amount of MP
lvl 10: [Force Chant] Offensive magic that raises attack power. Immobilized while spell is being cast
lvl 20: [Reduce] The flow of INT and HP reverses


lvl 5: [Gain] Restores a small amount of MP
lvl 10: [Aid Chant] Raises the effect of healing magic. Immobilized while spell is being cast
lvl 20: [Comfort] Heals Silence and Darkness


lvl 5: [Backstep] Quickly steps back
lvl 10: [Taunt] Provokes all enemies into attacking the caster
lvl 20: [Bandit] While in effect allows attacker to steal G equal to level of damage


lvl 5: [Rush] Quickly close in on an enemy
lvl 10: [Bash] Strong Punch that knocks back enemies
lvl 20: [Rage] Charges power gauge


lvl 5: [Gain] Restores small amount of MP
lvl 10: [Quick Chant] Increases the speed magic spells are cast. Immobilized while spell is being cast
lvl 20: [Teleport] Instantantly moves you to the edge of a battlefield


lvl 5: [Guard] Protects against enemy attacks. Must have a shield equiped
lvl 10: [Shield Bash] Protects from enemy damage and inflicts dizzy status. Must have a shield equiped
lvl 20: [Chivalry] Revives a fallen ally. When used, your HP is reduced to 1


lvl 5: [Rush] Quickly close in on an enemy
lvl 10: [Monkey Fist] Changes fighting stance. After using, succeeding attack will inflict dizzy status on enemy
lvl 20: [Dragon Claw] Chances fighting stance. After using, succeeding attack will inflict greater damage


lvl 5: [Backstep] Quickly steps back
lvl 10: [Yin Jutsu] Slows movement of a single enemy. Caster immobilized for duration of spell
lvl 20: [Yang Jutsu] Accelerates character's actions


lvl 5: [Gain] Restores a small amount of MP
lvl 10: [Low Chant] Reduces the amount of MP needed for magic spells. Caster immobilized for duration of spell
lvl 20: [Fatality] Increases attack power by current HP. When used, HP is reduced to 1


lvl 5: [Howl] Lengthens enemies dizzy status when active
lvl 10: [Puppy Eyes] Enemies will not attack when in effect
lvl 20: [Groom] Heals all Status Ailments except Petrify and Paralysis


lvl 5: [Regen Mode] Restores HP. Immobilized while in use; takes increased damage
lvl 10: [Overdrive] Power Gauge stays full for limited time. Immobilized after using skill; takes increased damage
lvl 20: [Booster] Increases character's speed while active.


하지만 실상 사용하는 스킬은 Gain뿐 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
솔까말 모든 스탯 99로 만들려면 어차피 이직업 저직업 다 전직해야하니, 뭐... 쩝. 그렇다고 다른 스킬이 완전 지대 쎄다고 느껴지지도 않고, 어지간하면 전투는 오토로 해놓으니 데헷.

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